At Southwood Dental Centre in Winnipeg, we offer dental services designed to repair damaged teeth and restore your smile.
A dental restoration is any procedure your dentist performs to fix a damaged tooth or teeth. Depending on the problem, your dentist can determine which restorative procedure will suit your needs.
Our dentists use tooth-coloured composite fillings to directly repair a cavity or tooth damage, like a crack, to help keep your smile healthy.
Because composite fillings are white, they can be closely matched to the colour of your existing teeth so they blend in naturally.
Inlays and onlays are indirect fillings that are made outside of the mouth and then used to fill a cavity, generally on a molar or premolar.
A dental crown is hollow, artificial tooth that is placed over an entire damaged tooth to restore and protect it.
Your dentist may also recommend a dental crown for cosmetic reasons, like to cover a discoloured or crooked tooth.
Generally made from materials like porcelain or composite, dental crowns look and function just like natural teeth.
A root canal is a dental procedure where your dentist removes damaged pulp from the inside of a tooth.
Once the pulp is removed, your dentist fills the space with a filling, or covers it with a crown to help restore the tooth's function.
A root canal helps to relieve any pain or symptoms caused by the damage and prevents the need for an extraction.
If you're looking for a dentist in Winnipeg, we'd love to see your smile!